Tuesday, 31 March 2015

PDF⋙ Governing States and Localities by Kevin B. Smith, Alan Howard Greenblatt

Governing States and Localities by Kevin B. Smith, Alan Howard Greenblatt

Governing States and Localities

Governing States and Localities by Kevin B. Smith, Alan Howard Greenblatt PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The recession-era days of state reliance on the federal government are waning. States and localities are increasingly assertive in seeking independence from Washington’s policy priorities. Kevin Smith and Alan Greenblatt’s proven text employs a comparative approach to show how the geography, history, political culture, institutional structures, economic underpinnings, and demographics of states and localities both clash and converge in comprehensible, telling ways. Why does one state pass stricter gun control standards while another loosens them? What are the implications of state legalization of marijuana when the federal government still calls it illegal? Governing States and Localities provides students with the tools to begin answering these questions. The Fifth Edition features extensive updating on such major developments as the rollout of the Affordable Care Act, the education debate over the Common Core State Standards, and the implications for residents when localities succumb to bankruptcy.

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