Concepts of Transportation Economics by Barry E Prentice, Darren Prokop
Concepts of Transportation Economics by Barry E Prentice, Darren Prokop PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Transportation is the world's largest invisible industry. Modern society is completely dependent on transportation to sustain its way of life, and it is all around us constantly. Yet the economics of transportation is a mystery to most people. Why do air fares rise and fall? Why do urban transit systems struggle to survive and require such large public subsidies? Why does freight transport cost more to move in one direction than an equal distance in another? Why is the government so heavily involved in transportation? Concepts of Transportation Economics provides explanations to these queries and many more, as well-renowned experts in the field, Barry E Prentice and Darren Prokop interpret the unique dynamics underlying transportation through the lens of applied economics, and demonstrate that the operations of transportation are completely logical and obvious once the concepts that underlie business decisions and consumer reactions are explained.
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