Octagon Magic (The Magic Sequence) by Andre Norton
Octagon Magic (The Magic Sequence) by Andre Norton PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Lorrie discovers a strange and fascinating secret! Did a witch live in the eight-sided house? Was it haunted? There were lots of scary stories about the strange house—but none could match the secret Lorrie uncovered. One day, she climbed the high iron gate and escaped into the garden to save a kitten from some cruel boys—and met the mysterious lady of the house. The woman let Lorrie explore all the odd-shaped rooms. In one of them was a rocking horse and a large, eight-sided dollhouse—an exact miniature of the big house. The dollhouse was beautifully furnished and seemed so ready—as if someone lived there! It drew Lorrie back into exciting adventures that she had to face with courage and daring!
This adventure should not be missed by fantasy lovers!
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